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Produtos & Serviços de BR|PT|US

Alcohol Abuse Treatment
Alcohol Abuse Treatment



Signs of Alcoholism: Do You Have an Alcohol Abuse Problem?

Are you having a problem with your drinking? Do your friends and family frequently complain that you drink too much? Have you experienced blackouts, not remembering what you have done during drinking episodes? Or have you experienced problems during your drinking that probably wouldn't have happened if you had been sober?

There are some signs that indicate that you may have a problem with alcohol. They include:

These are some of the signs that mean you need to pay attention to what alcohol is doing to your life before it's too late. The bottom line is if you think you are having a problem with alcohol, you probably are.

Physical Dependence on Alcohol

You may deny that you are physically dependent upon alcohol. But if you're honest with yourself, you'll realize that you have to drink larger and larger amounts to get the same feeling of relaxation or calmness that a small amount of alcohol used to give you.

You may also notice that when you decide you're going to stop drinking or at least cut back on drinking heavily, you're unable to do so. You may feel very uncomfortable if you try to stop, and you may experience shaking, sweating, nausea or other signs of withdrawal. Then you want to drink again just to stop these withdrawal symptoms. It's a vicious cycle.

These are clear signs that you have become physically dependent on alcohol

What to Do if You Can't Quit Drinking

When it becomes clear that you have lost control of your drinking, it's time for you to take charge. You need to make a commitment to starting a new life that doesn't include drinking excessively. It's not important that you label yourself an alcoholic. What is important is that you find a way to get past your urge to revolve your life around drinking before it finishes off your health, your career and your relationships.

Alcohol Free Forever™ is a program that has been created with people like you in mind. It will help you understand why you drink the way you do, getting right to the root of the problem. You can learn step by step instructions to get past cravings and overcome your compulsion to drink too much.

To learn more about this revolutionary program, visit Alcohol Free Forever™.

Recognizing the signs that you may have a drinking program is the first step toward a new life that doesn't include alcohol.

You can stop drinking right now, and you never have to drink again! Alcohol Free Forever™ will teach you what you need to know to stop drinking once and for all.